2008年10月13日 星期一

Photo gallery

Photo by *Ryan Lee UK*

2008年9月19日 星期五

About Formosa Fantasia

Formosa Fantasia

As part of the London Design Festival 2008, “Formosa Fantasia”, an inter-disciplinary design exhibition by Taiwanese young designers in the UK, attempts to free ourselves from the mundane life through an imaginary mind journey.

Inspired by the bittersweet London life as foreigners and the odds over future, the participating designers try to transform and juxtapose various experiences of life into humorous concepts. From household products, illustrations, to photography artefacts, these lovely small things trigger you understanding smiles and refresh your life.

Sunny Chung’s “2/10 bowl, 8/10 full”, a bowl reduced 20% of capacity by thickening the bottom, aids your weight control scheme in an understated way. When one is about to finish the food in the bowl, a printed “I am full” claim emerges to stop him/her from eating more. The artefact was part of the
“Play with Eating Culture”, a well-liked project in Taiwan Designers’ Week ’08, which regards a meal as more than a relieving and playful ritual.

Balance Wu’s “Take a BREAK” transform an unsightly crack on the wall into a fascinating home-styling opportunity, by attaching leaves and flowers to the “trunk and branches” on the wall.

In Tpcat’s dark humor manga, the skinny rabbit irons and wears a fluffy rabbit-skin jumpsuit everyday, to
maintain the image as a successful and energetic salesperson.

由一群在英國留學的台灣設計師發起,參加London Design Festival的聯展”Formosa Fantasia”,以創作的狂想來跳脫生活框架;台灣設計師在英國面對人生地不熟、未來充滿不確定性的異地生活,將這些體驗加以挪移、錯置、融合、美化,變成讓人莞爾一笑的設計作品,用玩笑跟自嘲來解放,尋找不可思議的解脫。




九月19-21週五至週日,上午十一時至下午七時,於Brick Lane的The Rag Factory,現場可與設計師面對面,瞭解創作理念與心路歷程。一顆頭創意AHead Create協辦。

徐千捷 Richard Hsu
0750 657 5564
MSN/Email: Richard_xd@hotmail.com

2008年9月18日 星期四

Visitor Information


Opening party
7:00-9:30 pm 19/Sep

The Rag Factory
16-18 Heneage Street, London E1 5LJ

Free Entrance

2008年9月15日 星期一

Product Design / AHead Create

"Play with Eating Culture" project initiated by AHead Create was a major exhibition of the 2008 Taiwan Designers' Week. It attempts to remind you the funny flashes of memory related to food and eating, by exploring the design opportunity and possibility of chopsticks and all kinds of tableware.

AHead Create is a young rising Taiwan-based design agency provides multi-disciplinary design solutions such as identity, product design, film, and website. Clients include Intel, Motorola, NBA, MTV, Ford, Johnny Walker, etc.

Jewellery / NizA Huang

"hello Puppet"

Illustration is a visual language, which can communicate with people on a global level. We can understand each other through an image or drawing, without speaking the same language. In this project, I utilize this power of illustration, within my jewellery collection. The accompanying animation creates a narrative in motion and establishes a link between the original illustration and the final jewellery collection. The overall intention was to create ways of representing three-dimensional forms from two-dimensional drawings. The individual objects developed from the animation, suggesting they jump out from the story to be worn with fun.

Film / Jo-Pu Chen

A romantic psychological short film, about a conflict that occurs between two people and their contrasting existences.

Just Another Day:
A short film happening inside a toilet about a toilet cleaner who finds a connection with the outside world.

2008年9月13日 星期六

Photography / Iris Lin

I like to capture natural shots. It is the best style to express my ideas. I don't like my works to be too artificial; they should be simple and relaxing.


From the existentialism in the 1960s up until now, self awareness has been growing. It is too easy to fail in a relationship. Therefore, it is easier to love yourself and enjoy taking others love. It is interesting to look up how people feel about the single status. After the research I decide to use photography to present my project.


Habit are things we can fall into, and try to climb out of. Here is the project to explore human behavior. We think that yawnning is hypnotic. They really can make you sleepy if you see someone who is yawnning. Even if it is only on pictures!

2008年9月12日 星期五

Illustrator / Chun Hua 春花

The inspiration of Monkey Buddha came from my religion. I cannot control my destiny as I expected Therefore I ask my monkey Buddha, he always smiles to me. his smile is so touching that it has become my religion.

Do you know the meaning of a word?
I think there is no one understands a word in this world.
Words are like new born babies, they are given names, indentified and classified. However, when they become “useful words”, they might become soulless. People made them meaningful but the words might just want to dance

2008年9月11日 星期四

Graphic Designer / Illustrator Kimmy Huang

Most of my works are black and white or monochrome, My ideas are from many aspects of my life. I’m interested in a wide range of topics including music, film, architecture, fashion, lifestyle, obj- ects, humanity and so on; they inspired me all the time and become my muse.

Manga Artist / Illustrator Tpcat

The comic book "Prick" is all about the essence of life.
It's a 48 pages book filled with short comic stories about pursuing love, knowledge, religion and the meaning of life, starring fluffy animals and sweet vegetables, and yes, some bloddy scenes...Luckily you may see yourself in the stories.



Fashion Accessories designer Elsa Yi-San Lu


Colourful fragments. Reflection images versus three-dimensional objects,
Through the process of repeating and layering forms the variation.
Come on into the fascinating world of kaleidoscope. Decorate yourself with some playful body accessories.

零碎的元素, 繽紛的色彩
鏡面的倒影, 虛實的對映
重複 . 層疊 , 變化的對應
享受玩樂配件的時光, 請走進萬花世界裡